Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, a renowned researcher and Chief Scientific Advisor at Unyte Health, focuses on how our body and nervous system react to situations that make us feel safe, threatened, or in danger.
This theory provides a scientific framework that combines physical and cognitive approaches to help us change and improve how we feel, think, and connect with others. It's like a roadmap for understanding our body's reactions and behaviors.
- Feel Better: Instead of reacting impulsively, it teaches us to respond thoughtfully to life's challenges, making us more resilient.
- Think Better: By accessing higher learning and cognition, we can better understand and remember important information, boosting our confidence and ability to contribute to society.
- Connect Better: It helps us build positive social relationships and truly connect with others.
Our brain's ability to change in response to different experiences is called "neuroplasticity." The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) and Focus System are based on this idea. They provide gentle stimulation to activate specific pathways in our brain responsible for processing sensory information. Through repeated sessions, these pathways get stronger, making it easier for our nervous system to feel safe and regulated.
Ready to take the first step? Reach out to us for a free consultation. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.